
Sl No.Name of the ClientName of the ProjectYear of ComencementLine LengthDate Of Completion
278MePTCLUpgradation of the existing 132 kV Main Bus Bar at 132 kV Mawphlang Grid Substation.20210.4Ongoing
277MePTCLErection of towers between locations No. 11XB-12XB of 132kV Sumer Power Station-Kyrdemkulai Power Station D/C line for improvement of ground clearance of the line at Umtrew village2021Ongoing
276MePTCLRe-Survey for construction of 132kV LILO for evacuation of Power at Stage-I Ganol SHEP and 132kV Rongkhon Sub station20211.4632021-07-05 00:00:00
275MePTCLConstruction of 132KV Double Circuit line In Line Out of 132 KV Rongkhon-Ampati Line at Praharinagar (Upper Damalgre) substation20219.5Ongoing
274NETCLImprovement of Earthing with marconite (earthing enhancement material) in 04 nos locations of 400kV D/C Silchar-Byrnihat-Azara transmission line2021
273MePTCLReinforcement of Tower Footing earthing of 132kV Nongalbibra-Rongkhon Line”. Locations – 1-16, 19-28, 30-36, 38-40, 42-44, 46, 52-57, 60-63, 65-71, 73-80, 89-99, 106-111, 113-117, 119-124.2020-
272PowerGridDiversion of line section from Loc. 69 to 71 of 132kV D/C Doyang-Dimapur Transmission line20200.712021-03-31 00:00:00
271MePTCLSurvey of 220kV double Circuit line from Mawphlang to Ichamati202042.9352020-12-17 00:00:00
270MePTCLMaking of earthing riser connection from main Earth mat to equipment structures at 132kV grid substation, MePTCL, Ampati, Chiringpara.2020
269MePTCLConstruction of Revetment wall for tower footing from erosion of T/Loc No. 17(C+O),107(B+O)/111(B+O) and 132(B+O) of 132kv Agia-Nangalbibra line2020
268MePTCLSupply of materials for constructing the Temporary 132KV Bay at the 132/33KV Mawlai Substation to facilitate reconstruction of the switchyard under the scheme 2019
267MePTCLSupply order of 132KV Terminal Equipments Foundation Bolts 22mm & 20MM at 132/33KV Mawlai Grid Substation2019
266MePTCLSupply order for urgent procurement of GI Transmission Tower Members for TOWER loc Nos 243(C+6),251(C+3),256(Spl+6) and 293(A+3)2019-2020-12-19 00:00:00
265MePTCLLOA for site preparation (Earth Cutting) and Demolishing the old Foundation and structure at 132/33KV Mawlai grid substation from 3x50MVA along with the Re Engineering work of the 132KV Busbar under NESIDS2019
264MePTCLLOA for earth cutting in between location no 152 & 153 of 132KV Agia Nongalbibra Line2019
263MePTCLConfirmatory work order for dismantling and erection of 132kV tower at Rajabagan after 2 (two) nos of towers collapsed on the 16th March 201920192019-05-28 00:00:00
262MePTCLConstruction of 132KV Column and Beams and Terminal equipments for the temporary bay at 132/33KV Mawlai Grid Substation2019Ongoing
261MePTCLDetail Survey for construction 132KV LILO for excavation of Power at Stage-I Ganol SHEP and 132KV Rongkhon Substation2019
260MePTCLConfirmatory supply order for procurement of office Furniture for the office of the Resident Enginnneer at 132/33 KV Ampati Grid Substation Chirangpara2019
259MePTCLAnnual Maintenance Contract of 132kV and above Transmission lines in Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Limited (MePTCL) for Package-D.2019231.38ongoing
258MePTCLAnnual Maintenance contract of 132kV and above Transmission lines in Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Limited (MePTCL) for Package-B.2019247.78ongoing
257MePTCLconfirmatory Work Order for construction of foundation and installation of 132KV Post Insulators and 132KV CVT at 132/33KV Ampati SubstationChirangpara201931.10.2018
256MePTCLconfirmatory Work Order for stringing aof 132/33 KV Bus Bar with ACSR Panther and ACSR Zebra Conductor including String of Earth wire at 132/33KV Ampati Grid Substation Chirangpara201931.10.2018
255MePTCLconfirmatory supply order for procurement of office Furniture for the office of the Resident Enginnneer at 132/33 KV Ampati Grid Substation Chirangpara2019
254MePTCLconfirmatory supply order for procurement of office Furniture for the office of the Resident Enginnneer at 132/33 KV Ampati Grid Substation Chirangpara2019
253MePTCLLOA for construction of 132KV S/C Line of 132KV from NEIGRIHMS Sub-Station Mawdiangdiang to RGIIM permanent campus Umsawli under Deposit Works20192.222018-02-28 00:00:00
252MePTCLConfirmatory supply order for procurement of G I Bolts & Nuts for Transmission Tower type DC+O (USTL design) against O&M works (Lines& Cables) for the office of the AEE,TLMSD,MePTCL Nongalbibra 2019
251MePTCLConfirmatory supply order for procurement of G I Bolts & Nuts for Transmission Tower type DC+O (USTL design) against O&M works (Lines& Cables) for the office of the AEE,TLMSD,MePTCL Nongalbibra 2019
250MePTCLConfirmatory supply order for procurement of G I Bolts & Nuts for Transmission Tower type DC+O (USTL design) against O&M works (Lines& Cables) for the office of the AEE,TLMSD,MePTCL Nongalbibra 2019
249POWERGRIDShifting of Existing Vulnerable Tower at Location No 118 of 800KV HVDC Line at a New Location on Pile Foundation.2018
248MePTCLConfirmatory supply order for procurement of stubs & cleats (D Type Tower USTL design) for O&M works (Lines&Cable) for Re Alignment of Loc No 150XB of 132KV Nongalbibra Tura Line2018
247MePTCLErection of Tower between tower location no 10 to location no 15 of 132KV Sumer-Mawlai S/C line at Umbir Village to improve ground clearance of the line2018
246MePTCLWork order for erection of 33KV Terminal Equipments of 132KV Ampati Sub-Station Chirangpara2018
245MePTCLConfirmatory work order for detail survey GPS for shifting of tower loc No 11 of 132KV Rongkhon Ampati Line2018
244POWERGRIDLOA for the work of "Improvement of Earthing in Silchar-Byrnihat dection of 400KV D/C Pallatana to Boingaaigoan line"2018
243MePTCLConfirmatory work order for Re-Location repair of damages caused to tower location No 150 of the 132 KV Nangalbibra-Tura line at Rambre Village201819.10.2017
242MePTCLConfirmatory work order for emergency restoration work from T/loc No 96 to 97 of 132KV Umtru Power Statuon to Sarusajai Substation201830.08.2018
241MePTCLConfirmatory work order for emergency restoration work from T/loc No 94 to 95 of 132KV Umtru Power Statuon to Sarusajai Substation201831.08.2017
240MePTCLConfirmatory work order for emergency restoration work from T/loc No 88 to 89 of 132KV Umtru Power Statuon to Sarusajai Substation201807.02.2018
239MePTCLFor Reconsinance Survey etc for M/s Green Valley Industries Limited from the ongoing 132/33KV Mynkre Sub Station under Deposit Works2018
238MePTCLLOA for Annual Maintenanc contract of 132KV Mendipathar (MePTCL)-Agia (AEGCL) line.2018
237MePTCLLOA for construction of 132KV Double Circuit line from Mynkre substation to M/S Amrit Cement Industries Ltd Under Deposit Works201821.12.2018
236MePTCLAmendment of the confirmatory work order for the Re Location of tower No 6 of the LILO of 132KV Agia-Nangalbibra line at Mendipathar2017
235MePTCLWork order for construction of 1(one) No. of 132KV S/C tower in the 132KV Nangalbibra-Tura Line201823.04.2019
234MePTCLConfirmatory work order for construction work for the Re-Location of tower location No 6 of the Lilo of 132KV Agia-Nangalbibra line at Mendipathar201730.06.2017
233MePTCLConfirmatory work order for detail survey GPS of the 132KV Sumer-Mawlai S/C Line from T/Loc No .11 to T/Loc No 152017
232MePTCL For Refitting of missing tower mwmbersLOA MePTCL/CE(T)/TT-133(Tender)/2015-16/43 dated 07.01.20162017
231MePTCLLOA for additional scope of work under Package B for Re Engineering and strengthening of 132KV Mawlai-Nongstoin Nangalbibra Single Circuit transmission line2017
230POWERGRIDLOA for transportation of insulators from pOWERGRID store to work site replacement of defective insulator string with new/healthy insulator in 400KV D/C Misa Mariani Transmission line2016
229MePTCLWork order for jungle clearance along the route of 132KV Nongstoin-Nangalbibra Line from Loc No 226 to Loc No 3212016
228MePTCLWork order for detail survey of the 132KV Mawlai-Nehu Line from T/Loc no 04 to T/Loc No 072016
227MePTCLOrder for supply of 132KV Stubs and clets for RGIIM sub Stattion (Deposit Works)2016
226MePTCLConfirmatory work order for Emergency Restoration work of 132KV Mutstem-Khliehriat line 15.05.2016-16.05.2016 132KV Khliehriat-Leshka Line I from 17.0.2016-18.05.20162016
225MePTCLRe-connissance Survey of 132kV Pioneer Carbide to EPIP1 Sub-Station, Byrnihat.2016
224MePTCLFor Reconsinance Survey of 132KV line interconnecting New Umtru to EPIP S/S Norbong and New Uumtru Byrnihat201605.02.2014
223Supply of 132kV stubs and Cleats for RGIIM Sub-substation( Deposit work)2016
222MePTCLCarrying out the replacement of damaged 132 KV CVT of 132 KV Norbong Line-II at 220/132 KV Killing sub-station, Byrnihat.2016
221MePTCLConstruction of 1 (one) No. of 132 KV S/C tower in the 132 KV Nongalbibra-Tura line for re-alignment/re-location tower location No. 12YB at Nengjagittim village.2016
220MePTCLConstruction of 132KV Double Circuit Line from M/s. Hills Cement Company Limited (HCCL) to 132 KV Mynkre Sub Station - under Deposit Works201616.02.2017
219Power GridReplacement of Defective Insulators Strings in 400kV D/C Misa-Mariani Transmission Line (Charged at 200kV) in the section Loc. 522 to Loc. 613 (from Borhola to Borpothar) as per Technical Specification-(Package – F).2016
218MePTCLShifting of 132 KV Nongalbibra-Agia S/C Line on D/C Tower effecting from Loc. No. 75 to Loc No. 92 (Songsak Area) due to laning of NH-44E.201619.04.2018
217MePTCLRe-engineering and strengthening of the 132 KV D/C line from Mawlai to Mawngap and 132 KV S/C line from Mawngap to Nongstoin and up to Nangalbibra Substation under Package-C201616.11.2016
216MePTCLRe-engineering and strengthening of the 132 KV D/C line from Mawlai to Mawngap and 132 KV S/C line from Mawngap to Nongstoin and up to Nangalbibra Substation under Package-B201627.08.2018
215Survey for emergency diversion of 132kV Nongalbibra-Tura Line from Loc 10YB to Loc 13YB.2015
214MePTCLSurvey for emergency diversion of 132 V Nangalbibra-Agia 132 KV S/C line on D/C tower from existing Loc. No. 215 B+0 (Meghalaya Portion) to existing Loc No. 99 A+6 (Assam Portion)2015
213Emergency power tapping arrangement to 132kv Tura Fedder from 132kV Second Circuit Agia feeder and dismantling of panther conductors, insulators,hardware fittings, groundwire,etc.2015
212MePTCLConstruction of 132 kV S/C line from NEIGRIHMS Substation, Mawdiangdiang to RGIIM Permanent Campus, Umsawli.2015
211LOA foe Making of Structure foundation and installaton of 132kV terminal equipments viz CB, Isolator, CT, LA, PT, CVT, and PI at 132/33kV , 2x25MVA Sub station2015
210LOA for construction of 33kv structure fundation of terminal eqipments at the 132/33kV, 2x25 MVA substation, Ampati( Chiringpara)2015
209LOA for making of earth mat at the 132?33 KV, 2x25 MVA Sub-Station2015
208MePTCLLOA for constructon of 33kv column foundation for switchyard lattice structure including erection at the 132/33kV, 2x245 MVA Substation, Ampati( Chiringpara)2015
207MePTCLConstruction of foundation & erection of 132 KV Terminal equipment at 132/33 KV, 2x20 MVA Sub-station, Mustem.2015
206Power GridShifting works of Tower Location 17 of 400 KV Ranganadi-Balipara line under Nirjuli Sub-Station, Arunachal Pradesh.2015
205Power GridFinal Checking of ± 800 KV HVDC line including jumper tightening in the existing section from tower location 01 at Biswanath Chariali to tower location 24/1 at Village Dungriya near Rangiya.2015
204Pioneer CarbideConstruction of additional retaining wall for 132KV Transmission line from EPIP-1 Byrnihat to Pioneer Carbide, Byrnihat.2015
203MePTCLConstruction of foundation of 33 KV PI at 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV Substation, Mendipathar.2015
202MePTCLDismantling of 132 KV CT and making of foundation and erection of 132 KV CT at 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV Substation, Mendipathar.2015
201MePTCLConstruction of foundation of 132 KV columns & erection including beams at 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV substation at Mendipathar.2015
200MePTCLConstruction of foundation of 132 KV columns & erection of 132 KV columns & beams for 132 KV switchyard at 2x25 MVA, 132/33 KV substation, at Chiringpara, Amapti and Construction of foundation of 132 KV columns & beams for extension of 132 KV bay at Rongkhon substation.2015
199MePTCL Construction of foundation & erection of columns & beams for 132 KV switchyard at 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV substation at Mustem.2015
198MePTCLOPGW Tension Assembly (Complete Set) for shifting and increasing the height of tower locations No. 10 & 11 due to construction of flyover by NHAI at Lad Umroi.2014
197MePTCLEmergency restoration works of the collapsed line from Location No.-06 to Location No.-08 of the 132KV S/C Line on D/C Towers from 132KV EPIP-I Sub-Station to M/s Sai Prakash Alloys Pvt. Ltd. , Byrnihat.2014
196MePTCLMobilization of man materials during the three attempts to execute and complete the stringing work of power conductor and OPGW in Loc. No. 101 to 105 against 132 kv Agia - Nongalbibra Line.2014
195MePTCLSoil test forconstruction of control Room Building at 132KV mendipathar Sub-station.2014
194MePTCLTheodolite & profile survey for shifting of tower loc no.75,84 & 92 and re-alignment of the KV Nangalbibra -Agia line at Songsak.2014
193MePTCLshifting of the tower location No.10 & 11 of the 132 KV S/C line from Sumer Power Station to132KV Umiamsubstation due to construction of a flyover by NHAI at Lad Umroi (umiam village).2014
192USTLConstruction of 132 KV Multi Circuit Line from 220/132kV substation Killing to 132kV EPIP-I substation, Byrnihat along with all associated works.2011
191MePTCLConstruction of132 kv s/cline from EPIP-I substation, Byrnihat to M/s Pioneer Carbide Pvt. Ltd., Byrnihat.2014
190MePTCLInland transportation, insurance, unloading, handling, stotrage, erection, testing and commissioning of all equipments and materials for turnkey execution for stringing of the 2nd circuit of 132 kV S/C transmission line on DC tower from Agia to nangalbibra2014
189MePTCLStringing of the 2nd circuit of132 kv S/C transmission line on D/C tower from Agia to Nangalbibra, Constraction of 132 kv Single circuit line on double circuit towers from Nngalbibra to Agia2014
188GOLD STONESurvey of 132 KVAnew tower line adjacent to Hill Cements Limited (HCL) to Proposedsite of MeECL 132 KVA Substation at Mynkree Site 2013
187MePTCLErection of 33 KV C3 typeColomns at 2x20 MVA,132/33KVSub-station at Mendipathar.2013
186MePTCLStrining of 33 KV Bus-bar with ACSR Panther and Zebra Conductor including shielding with Earth wire at132 KV Sub-Station, Mendipathar.2013
185MePTCLConstruction foundation and erection of 132 KV post Insulator (1nos.) at 2x20 MVA,132/33KV Sub-station at Mendipathar.2013
184MePTCLConstruction of foundation for 4 sets of 33KV LA for Phase-I at 2x20 MVA 132/33,KVSub-Stationat mendipathar.2013
183MePTCLConstruction foundation and erection of 132 KV post Insulator (2nos.) at 2x20 MVA,132/33KV Sub-station at Mendipathar.2013
182MePTCLDetail survey of 132/33 KV Sub-Station,Ampati at Chiringpara.2013
181MePTCLStringing of Busbar by ACSR Panther Conductor and Earth Wire at 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV Sub-Station, Mendipathar.2013
180MePTCLDismantling of conductor of 132 KV Agia-Nangalbibra line for connection with LILO at Mendipathar.2013
179MePTCLErection of 33 KV Columns and Beams and Terminal Equipment like 33KV CB, 33KV CT, 33KV LA & 33 KV PT for the construction of 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2013
178MePTCLDetail survey of proposed 2x20 MVA, 132/33 KV sub-station at Mendipathar.2013
177MePTCLDismantling of the old bus bar and re-stringing of the bus bar of 132 KV Khliehriat sub-station with new ACSR (Zebra) conductor.2013
176MePTCLMaking of foundation of 33KV Columns for the construction of 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2012
175MeECLReconnaisance survey of the 132Kv S/C line for providing power supply to M/s. Pioneer Carbide, Byrnihat.2012
174MePTCLMaking of foundation and terminal equipments like 132 kV SF6 CB, 33KV Isolator, 33KV CT & 33KV PT for the Construction of 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2012
173MePTCLMaking of structural foundation and installation of terminal equipments like 132 kV CB, 132 KV Isolator, 132KV CT, 132 kV Lightining Arrestor, 132KV CVT & 132 KV Post Insulator for LILO of 132KV Nangalbibra-Agia line at 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2012
172MePTCLConstruction of 132 KV Multi Circuit Line from 220/132kV substation Killing to 132kV EPIP-I substation, Byrnihat along with all associated works.
171MePTCLMaking of structural foundation and installation of terminal equipments like 132 kV CB, 132 KV Isolator, 132KV CT, & 132 kV Post Insulator for the construction of 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2012
170MeECLTaking up the work in bye pass arrangement from 132KV Leshka-Khliehriat line-I to Khliehriat NEHU line-I under Plan shutdown at 132KV Khliehriat substation, Khliehriat.2012
169MeECLConstruction of 132kV switching station tapping from 132kV Khliehriat-Lumshnong line at M/s. Green Valley Industries Pvt. Ltd., Nongsning.2012
168MeECLDetail survey GPS, total work station, long range scanners & digital theodolite of reasonable accuracies including profile along the selected route with plan details, fixing of concrete post and pegging of tower, location along the line route.2012
167MeECLTheodolite & profile survey for the construction of 132kV D/C LILO line of Mawlai-Nongstoin line at 132kV Mawphlang (Mawngap) substation.20123.0Km(approx)
166MeECLMaking of foundation and erection of columns & beams; making of foundation and erection of terminal equipments like 132 kV CB, 132 KV CT, 132KV PT, 132 kV Isolator & 132 kV LA; making of earth mat including supply of materials for earthmat, for the construction of 2x20 MVA, 132/33kV substation at Mendipathar.2011
165MeECLConstruction of 132KV S/C line tapping from 132kV Khliehriat-Lumshnong Loc No. 243-244 to M/s. Green Valley Industries Pvt. Ltd., Nongsning.2011
164MeECLFoundation and erection of 132KV, PT and shifting of LA for the extended bay at the 132KV, EPIP-II sub-station, MeECL, Byrnihat.2011
163MeECLEmergency Reengineering works by re-stringing power conductor changing disc insulator and related tension fittings etc. from dead end tower location No. 44 to gantry of 132 KV S/C stage-I Mawlai line at Mawlai sub-station.2011
162Work order for construction of 132kV D/C lilo of Agia- Nangalbibra Single circuit line at 132kV Mendipather Substation2011
161LOA for inland transportation, insurance, unloadin, handling, storage at site, erection, testing and commissioning of all equipments and materials for turnkey for construction of 132kV single circuit line on Double Circuit towers from Rongkhon to Ampati201129.5592019-01-24 00:00:00
160MeECLEmergency Restoration of 33 KV Mawprem, Nongthymmai D/C line at Sonapani which failed on 13/04/2011 under Area-IV.2011
159MeECLLaying of earthmat on the extended portion of switchyard at 132 kV, EPIP-II Sub-station, MeECL, Byrnihat.2011
158MeECLConstruction of 132KV D/C LILO of Agia-Nangalbibra S/C line at 132 KV Mendipathar substation.2011
157MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Double Circuit line from Myntdu Leshka HEP-I to 132 KV Khliehriat Sub-Station.2010
156Extended Bay for Double Circuit 132Kv mawngap Feeder and Re-engineering of the Switchyard of Umiam Stage-I Power station, Sumer2011
155MeECLStringing of bus bar & connection of terminal equipments at 132KV, EPIP-II Substation, MeECL, Byrnihat.2010
154MeECLConstruction of foundation & installation of 132KV SF-6 circuit breaker for Trishul Hi-Tech at 132KV, EPIP-II Substation, MeECL, Byrnihat.2010
153MeECLErection (including supply of foundation materials), of NCA Column and NB Beam at 132/33 KV Mawngap substation.2010
152MeECLTheodolite and profile survey for the construction of 132 KV S/C line on D/C tower from 132 KV Rogkhon Substation to Ampati.2010
151MeECLTheodolite and profile survey for the construction of LILO of 132 KV Agia-Nangalbibra Single Circuit line at Mendipathar.2010
150MeECLEmergency restoration of the 132 KV D/C Kyrdemkulai - Umtruline at Tower Location No. 18 (A+3).2010
149MeSEBFoundation , Erection of 132 KV Terminal Equipments and erection of 132 KV Sub-Station Structures for the extended bay at EPIP-II Sub-Station, Norbong Byrnihat.2010
148MeSEBAdditional works at the Loc No. 1 C+0 (S/C) and 8 C+6(S/C) and 1 (one) No. D/C tower at Loc No. 32 C+0 (D/C) against the construction of 2nd 132 KV S/C Stage-III Stage-IV Line.2009
147MeSEBReconnaisance Survey of 132 KV line from Lumshnong S/S to M/s. Adhunik Cement Ltd., at Mootang, Lumshnong, Jaintia Hills.2007
146Work order for the construction of 132kv double Circuit Line from Myntdu Leshka HEP-I to 132KV Khliehriat Sub-Station2009
145MeSEBReconnaisance re-survey of 132 KV S/C line from Lumshnong S/S to M/s. Hills Cement Company Pvt. Ltd. at Mynkre, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya.2009
144Reconnaissance survey works of the 132KV single circuit line from the proposed New Umtru Power Station to Umtru Power Power station Byrnihat2009
143Reconaissance survey works of the 132KV single circuit line from the proposed New Umtru Power Station to 132kv EPIP II Sub Station,(Norbong), Byrnihat2009
142MeSEBRe-Survey of 132 KV line from Lumshnong S/S to M/s. Adhunik Cement Ltd., at Mootang, Lumshnong, Jaintia Hills.2009
141MeSEBDismantling and re-stringing of conductor and earth wire of the 132 KV S/C Stage-III - Stage-IV line from T Loc 22 to 23 and 23 to Stage-IV Gantry and dismantling of S/C tower type C for accomodation of 132 KV Stage III to Stage IV 2nd Circuit line at Stage IV New Bay.2009
140MeSEBReconnaisance survey works of the 132 KV double circuit line from the proposed 220/132 KV Killing S/S to 132 KV EPIP-II, Substation (Norbong) Byrnihat.2008
139MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV S/C Service line to HCCL Ltd. Including extension of 132 KV Bay at Lumshnong Sub-Station.2008
138MeSEBReconnaisance survey works of the 132 KV multi circuit line from the proposed 220/132 KV Killing Sub-Station to Rongsakona village for connecting with the 132 KV, Sai Prakash line drawn on double circuit tower upto 132 KV, EPIP-I, Sub-Station, (Rajabagan), Byrnihat.2008
137Reconnaisance re-survey of 132Kv SC Line from Myntdu-Leshka Hydro Electric Project to Khliehriat
136Making 6 number platform for manual operation of circuit breaker at Umtru Power Station2008
135Gravelling of the extended 132KV Switchyard at Umtru Power Station2007
134MeSEBReconnaisance survey of 132 KV line from Lumshnong S/S to M/s. Hills Cement Company Pvt. Ltd. At Mynkre, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya.2007
133MeSEBReconnaisance survey of 132 KV S/C line from Nongpyndeng S/S upto UCIL Mining at Mawthabah & Taking soil resistivity every two kilometer along the route.2007
132Survey work from 132/33kV Umiam Sub station to RNB cement at MIDC Industrial Area, Umiam20071 Km
131Work Order for Reconnaissance Survey of 132 KV line from Lumshnong S/S to M/s Adhunik Cement Ltd. At Mootang, Lumshnong, Jaintia Hills20076 Kms
130Construction of 132KV double circuit line from Myntdu Leshka HEP-I to 132 KV Khliehriat S/S2007
129Construction work of 132kv S/C LILO Line on the 132kv S/C summer- NEHU line at Umiam Sub Station2007
128MeSEBEmergency restoration of 132 KV Mawlai Cherra line2007
127MeSEBConstruction of 2nd 132 KV S/C line from Stage-III Power Station, Kyrdemkulai to Stage-IV Power Station, Nongkhyllem.2007
126Work order for the supply of Foundation Bolts for Bay Extension of 132 Kv PGCIL sub- Station at Khliehriat2007
125MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV line from new Switchyard of Umtru Power House to EPIP Norbong Sub-Station.2007
124MeSEBConstruction and erection works of Superstructures of 132/33 KV 2x20 MVA Sub-Station at Umiam.2006
123MeSEBRe-engineering of Circuit-II of 132 KV Double Circuit Stage-IV - Sarsujai line (Meghalaya Portion)2006
122MeSEBFabrication of columns and beams at Khliehriat Sub-Station for extension of bay to construct 132 KB D/e. Leshka Khliehriat Line.2005
121MeSEB 2006
120MeSEBStringing Bus Bar and Shielding work for the Extended bay at Khliehriat Sub-Station.2006
119Gravelling of the 132Kv Switchyard at EPIP-II, S/S Norbong2006
118Emergency restoration of 132KV stage-I to Kahalipara Sub-Station Line No.1 at Tower Location No.82 on .07.2006.2006
117Supply order for cement and MS Rod2006
116Breaking of old RCC foundation at Khliesriat Sub- Station2006
115MeSEBRestoration of 132 KV NEHU - Khliehriat line No. I & II.2006
114Work order for erection of one additional beam including supply of material at 132KV switchyard of UPS for termination of 132KV EPIP 2nd circuit2006
113Supply order for Step Bolt alongwith Double Nuts and Sting washer2006
112Work order for the work stringing Bus Bar and Shielding work for the Extended bay at Khliehriat Sub-Station.2006
111Supply order for steel and M.S. Rod for construction of fundation againts 132KV S/C Line from Lumshnong Sub- Station Meghalaya Cement Ltd Thangskai2006
110LOI for extension and modification of 132 KV switch yard at Umtru Power Station2006
109MeSEBShifting of conductor from Bottom Cross Arm to Middle Cros Arm of CMCL Areas for 132 KV Service connection to M/s. Meghalaya Cement Ltd.2006
108Hiring of Truck for transportation of super structure2006
107Supplying of bolt, nuts and spring washer for erecting of NCA Column type 4 nos(2 Nos. for lumshnong Sub- Station and 2 Nos. for MCL Feeder2006
106MeSEBConversion of NCA type column without peak to column with peak for Lumshnong Sub-Station.2006
105MeSEBShifting of 132 KV S/C line from EPIP-I S/S to M/s. Maithan Smelters (P) Ltd at EPIP, Byrnihat.2006
104MeSEBAlignment survey for Reconnaissance survey of LILO line at 132 KV S/C Sumer P.H. - NEHU S/S line at proposed site of Umiam Sub-Station in cluding pegging of the tower location, alignment of ht line and clearing the jungle and other related work. making of profile and tower schedule.2006
103MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV D/C line from the 132 KV/33KV EPIP Sub-Station-I, to 15th mile G.S. Road, Byrnihat, along with the S/C 132 KV line, up to the premises of M/s. Shree Sai Prakash Alloys Pvt. Ltd, at Byrnihat.2005
102MeSEBRe-erection of damaged D/C towers at Loc No. 4 and 5 of 132 KV LILO line at NEHU.2003
101MeSEBInstallation of terminal equipment for 50 MVA transformer at 132 KV Sub-Station EPIP-II at Norbong. 2005
100MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV bay extension at Khliehriat PGCIL Sub-Station preliminary work order thereof.2005
99MeSEBInstallation of terminal equipment for the 2nd circuit of LILO line from UPS to EPIP-II, 132 KV Sub-Station at Norbong. 2005
98MeSEBConstruction of foundation and erection of 132 KV bay extension at 132 KV khliehriat sub-station.2005
97MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV bay at extension at Lumshnong sub-station under capital work.2005
96MeSEBExtension and modification of 132 KV switchyard at Umtru Power station. (LOI)2006
95Suply of Materials againts the work of construction of 132 KV service line to M/s Sova Ispat & M/s Trishul Hi-Tech2005
94MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV D/C line from UPS to EPIP-I Sub-Station through EPIP-II Sub-Station, Norbong, Byrnihat.2005
93MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV S/C line from Lumshnong Sub-Station to M/s. Meghalaya Cement Ltd. (Thangskai)2005
92MeSEBAlignment Survey of 132 KV line from Umtru Switchyard to EPIP-II Sub-Station at Norbong.20051 Km
91MeSEBInstallation of wave traps at NEIGRIMS Sub-Station.2005
90MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Bay at extension at 132 KV Lumshnong Sub-Station required for service line to M/s. MCL 2005
89MeSEBInstallation of 132 KV Terminal Equipments including foundation for M/s. Sai Prakash Alloys.2005
88MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV LILO at Umtru Power House from 132 KV Stage-IV Power House - Sarsujai Line.2005
87MeSEBFixing of 1 No. additional beam and erection of 132 KV bye pass Isolator at 132 KV Umtru switchyard for drawal of 2nd circuit UPS-EPIP-II 132 KV line.2005
86MeSEBAlignment Survey of 2nd Circuit 132 KV S/C line between Stage-III P/H to Stage-IV P/H.2005
85Re-engineering by changing of Damage disc insulators of the 132KV D/C stage-IV P.H to Sarujai S/S 2nd circuit line from T/Loc No.85 to 99.2005
84MeSEBReconnaisance survey and preparing of profile for 132 KV LILO line of Stage-IV P/H - Sarsujai Tr. Line at Umtru Power House.2005
83Constuction of the 132KV double circuit line from the 132KV/33Kv EPIP Substation-I, to 15th mile G.S.Road, Byrnihat, along with the single circuit 132KV line, up to the premises of M/S. shree sai Prakash Alloys Pvt Ltd, at Byrnihat2005
82Construction of 132KV bay Extension at Lumshnong Substation under capital work2005
81MeSEBReconnaisance re-survey of 132 KV S/C line from Myntdu-Leshka Hydro Electric Project to Khliehriat Grid Sub-Station.200518.5Kms
80MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV LILO line from 132 KV Khliehriat-Badarpur line to 132 KV line to 132 KV Lumshnong Sub-Station.2004
79MeSEBInstallation of 132 KV Terminal Equipments including foundation for M/s. Nalari ferro Alloys.2004
78MeSEBInstallation of 132 KV Terminal Equipments including foundation for M/s. Grey Stone Smelters Ltd.2004
77MeSEBReconnaisance survey of 132 KV Single Circuit line from Lumshnong sub-station to M/s. Meghalaya Cements Co. Ltd. Thangskai.20045Kms
76MeSEBTechnical sanction for restoration along with changing of disc insulators of 132 KV D/C Stage-IV Sarsujai Line.2004
75Confirmatory work order for emergency restoration of 132KV D/C Stage-IV- Sarujai Line No.12004
74MeSEBStringing of bus bar at 132 KV NEIGRIHMS Sub-Station, Mawdiangdiang.2004
73MeSEBStringing of 132 KV bus bar at 132 KV MeSEB Sub-Station at Lumshnong.2004
72MeSEBConstruction of foundation and erection of 132 KV columns and beams at 132/11 KV, 2x10 MVA NEIGRIHMS Sub-Station at Mawdiangdiang.2004
71Supply order fr MS Rods and torsteel for construction of foundation of towers, columns and Substation Trminal equiptments for NEIGRIHMS at Mawdiangdiang2004
70MeSEBConstruction of foundation and erection of 132 KV columns and beams at 132 KV Lumshnong Sub-Station.2004
69MeSEBExtension of 33 KV Bus bar and installation of Addl. Structures at the existing 2x5 MVA EPIP Sub-Station.2004
68MeSEBRestoration of 132 KV KHT-NEHU line -II between Loc No. 13 SPD to 19C.2004
67MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Service line to M/s. Nezone Steels (Meghalaya) Ltd.2004
66MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Service line to M/s. Trishul Hi-Tech (P) Ltd & M/s. Meghalaya Sova Ispat Alloys Ltd at EPIP Byrnihat alongwith installations of related terminal equipments at EPIP-II Sub-Station, Norbong.20040.472KMs
65Construction of 132kV LILO Line from 132Kv Khliehriat-Badarour Line to 132Kv Lumshnong S/S2004
64MeSEBRe-engineering of 132 KV Shillong - Nangwalbibra line with semifog insulator.2003
63Re-erection of damaged D/C towers at Loc No. 4 and 5 of 132 KV LILO line at NEHU.2003
62MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV LILO line at NEIGRIHMS Mawdiangdiang.2003
61MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Service line (Single Circuit) to M/s. Grey Stone Smelters (P) Ltd. at EPIP, Byrnihat.2003
60MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV service line to M/s. Meghalaya Carbide and Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (Single Circuit) along with installation of related terminal equipements of the said line at EPIP Byrnihat.20020.250Km
59MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV S/C line on D/C tower with panther conductor from Umtru Power Station to the proposed switching station at EPIP Byrnihat.2001
58MeSEBEmergency refitting of tower members on the 132 KV Mawlai-Cherra / Nangwalbibra Double Circuit line.2003
57MeSEBService connection to M/s. Nalari Ferro Alloys Pvt. Ltd by temporary arrangement through tapping from the main line on turnkey basis.2003
56MeSEBRestoration of 132 KV Single Circuit line Stage-III - Stage-IV Power House due to collapsing of Tower No 18.2003
55MeSEBStringing of 2nd circuit of 132 KV incoming from Umtru Power Station to EPIP2003
54MeSEBRestoration of 132 KV S/C NEHU line II at Loc 19 at Nongral Village2003
53MeSEBErection of Superstructure & installation of Terminal Equipment of 2x20 MVA, 132 KV EPIP Sub-station Byrnihat2002
52MeSEBPreliminary and profile survey of 132 KV LILO line.2002
51MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV S/C line from MeSEB 132 KV Khliehriat Grid Sub-Station to Power Grid Sub-Station at Khliehriat.2005
50MeSEBInstallation of Terminal Equipment in the service line to M/s. Maithon Smelters (P) Ltd at EPIP Switching Station, Byrnihat.2002
49MeSEBInstallation of Terminal Equipment in the service line to M/s.Shyam Century Ferros (P) Ltd at EPIP Switching Station, Byrnihat.2002
48MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Service line to M/s. Trishul -Hi-Tech-Industries at EPIP Byrnihat.2002
47MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV service line on double circuit tower (one number) along with installation if related terminal equipments of the said line for M/s. Adhunik Meghalaya steel Pvt. Ltd at EPIP Byrnihat.2002
46MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Loop-in - Loop-out feeder for Nongstoin Sub-Station.1999
45MeSEBShifting of wave trap from R-phase to B-Phase and other connected works for re-arrangement of the PLCC of old lines1996
44MeSEBErection of technical equipment like isolator B.Bs CTs, CVTs, L.A. wave traps including foundation work and mounting structure.1996
43MeSEBDismantling of conductor between D/C tower no. 2 of LILO line from and old sumer line and re-stringing between the tower no. 2 of a new line to the same tower of Sumer line.1996
42MeSEBDismantling of the conductor of the old 132 KV Mawlai - Khliehriat line from old tower no. 189 to the old bay and re-stringing to gantry of the new bay through D/C tower no 208 & 209 of the new NEHU Kht line and dismantling of old tower No. 190 along with accessories.1996
41MeSEB Extension of the 132 KV bay at Khliehriat to connect the line along with the stringing og Bus-Bar work involved 2 of column 3 gantris including foundation wall.1996
40MeSEBEmergency repairing of 132 KV Kyrdemkulai Gauhati line no.1 at Loc 95 to 96.1995
39MeSEBRepair 132 KV Sumer-Gauhati Double Circuit line of Location No. 92 and 1231995
38MeSEBRepair 132 KV Stage-III - Umtru line at location No. 40.1995
37MeSEBFabrication of earthing set (Item of work :- (i) Cutting of 6m long 40mm G.I. Pipe flattening about 15cm at one end drilling of three holes of 11/16" complete fabrication of 3m long Earthing Pipe (ii)Cutting, drilling 11/16" holes of G.I. flat of 50mm x 6mm section to fabricate a 5m G.I. Earthing flat.1992
36MeSEBRestoration and modification of 33/11 KV 3x2.5MVA S/S at Meterfactory under N.D. work1992
35MeSEBShifting of 33 KV Happy valley line near Bilforte catholic Mission complex (LILO)1992
34MeSEBDismantling, Re-Stringing along with cleaning of jungle, cutting of trees to 33 KV D/C Meter factory line.1992
33MeSEBDismantling of 33 KV D/C line from Mawiong to NEHU (G.S. Road portion) under O & M works1992
32MeSEBShifting of 33 KV Happy valley line at BSF Campus Mawpat for the Construction of 132 KV NEHU Khliehriat line.1991
31MeSEBErection of Columns and beams including Civil foundation works at 132 KV NEHU Grid Sub-Station.1991
30MeSEBDiverson of 132 KV Nangalbibra - Tura line at location No. 158.1991
29MeSEBChanging of Disc Insulator of 132 KV Khliehriat - Badarpur feeder1990
28MeSEBSurvey for diverson of alignment of Loc -1 to Loc -13 of Single Circuit 132 KV, Nangwalbibra Tura Transmission line1990
27MeSEBConstruction of 11 KV S/C line 3 Km (three) for Assam Rifless complex, Laitkor.1990
26MeSEBConstruction of 11 KV line and LT line 3&5 wire composite line on 12 m steel tabular at Assam Rifles complex, Laitkor (phase-IV).1990
25MeSEBErection of 132 KV D/C transmission line from Stage-IV Project to the Border of Assam towards Guwahati1990
24MeSEBConstruction of 33 KV Single Circuit line on steel tabular pole with ACSR Raccon Conductor to Assam Rifles complex.1990
23MeSEBConstruction of 11 KV D/C line 1 (one) Km & S/C to Assam Rifles complex, Laitkor.1990
22MeSEBChanging of Disc Insulator (Jayashree make) of 132 KV Mawlai - Nangalbibra Transmission line.1989
21MeSEBRepair and Improvement works in 132 KV Single Circuit Shillong - Nangwalbibra line.1989
20MeSEBConstruction / Conversion of lines and Sub-Station (remaining portion of Nongthymmai Feeder-II from 33 KV to 11 KV along with changing of Conductor of L.T. line).1989
19MeSEBConstructionof 33 KV D/C line from Mawlai 132 KV Grid Sub-Station to Airforce complex, Upper Shillong.1989
18MeSEBErection work of Stage-III to Stage-IV 132 KV line1988
17MeSEBConstruction of 11 KV D/C line from Lad Nongkram Sub-station to Laitkor peak as per the approved analysis of 11 KV D/C line from Meter factory to police training camp.1989
16MeSEBSurvey of 132 KV Transmission line from Khliehriat Sub-Station to Meghalaya Border towards Badarpur (Ratachera, Meghalya side)1989
15MeSEBSurvey to divert a section of 132 KV Shillong-Khliehriat Badarpur Transmission line1988
14MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Double Circuit Transmission Line from 79 Tilla to Rokhia1992
13MeSEBSurvey of 132 KV Single Circuit Transmission Line from Shillong to Border of Meghalaya towards Badarpur (Assam) via Khliehriat Sub-Station.1988
12MeSEBSurvey of 132 KV Transmission line from Stage-IV to Gauhati (Meghalaya Border)1988
11MeSEBSurvey o f132 KV Transmission line from Shillong (NEHU-Substation) upto Khliehriat Sub-Station1988
10MeSEBShifting / Raising of 132 KV Panchgram - Pailapool line near Dudpathil1988
9MeSEBShifting / Raising of 66 KV Dullav Cherra - Vairengte Line Near LALA.1988
8MeSEBSurvey of Proposed 132 KV Transmission line from Umiam Stage-IV to Umiam Stage-III.1988
7MeSEBSurvey of Proposed 132 KV Transmission Tie-Line at NEHU Complex.1987
6MeSEBShifting /Raising of 132 KV Panchgram-Pailapool line near Kamrenga and Jirighat.1986
5MeSEBChanging of Insulators of 132 KV Panchgram - Pailapool line.1986
4MeSEBConstruction of 132 KV Single Circuit PI Line between 132 KV Haflong Sub-Station and 132 KV switching station of NEEPCO.1984
3MeSEBEmergency maintenance works of 132 KV Mawlai Grid Sub-Station its Bus-Bar, Switchgear equipments and Structures etc.1990
2MeSEBErection of 132 KV S/C transmission line from Shillong to Khliehriat Sub-Station1990
1MeSEBErection of 132 KV D/C & S/C line looping in and looping outline at NEHU Sub-Station and 132 KV, S/C Divertion line at Sonapur1990